For a while now Holy Spirit has been placing on my heart that I should share this testimony as well as all that Jesus taught me through it as it will inspire others so that they can step out and step up to the platforms that God creates for them as well as remind them that satan is walking around like a roaring lion looking who he can devour as he is set on killing, stealing and destroying our identity and therefore our calling, but that we can withstand him and then he will flee from us. Testimony: Last year God started speaking to me about "consulting", having influence in the nation and with that He started giving me revelation on governmental structure and what will make it succeed and what will make it fall and so I started to ask God why He was busy teaching me so intensely about governing and influencing and I started to sense that God was busy preparing me for what He has called me for and although he has been kind of using me in this "consulting" w...