9 January 2011 as I was worshiping the Lord, He gave me the following open vision. I saw what looked like a kingdom in the middle of a dessert plane and while I was standing on the wall of the kingdom just above the gates, I saw an army of angels by the millions and in war formation coming from the South-East side of South Africa and moving towards North-West Africa and with every step they take the earth underneath them shakes and trembles so that the dust lifts from the ground due to the force resonating with every single step... Every Angel has in their left arm a massive shield and as they walk I can hear the raging heartbeat sound as they hit their shields with every step they take and as they come closer it starts sounding like a war cry shouting out in the dessert plane ready for war! I am reminded of when John was asked who he was and his reply was that he is the voice calling out in the dessert make way for the Lord… John 1:23Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC) 23 H...