WE SERVE A LIVING GOD, THEREFORE WE NOT ONLY HAVE THE PRIVILEGE OF LIVING BUT HAVING LIFE IN ABUNDANCE PART 1 Testimony At the age of five I had rhythmic fever which if not treated in time can affect either your muscles and joints or or it can affect your heart. As soon as my parents noticed that I had fever they took me to the doctor, but unfortunately the doctor just sent my parents home giving them a prescription for allot of Stopayne syrup saying that they should give me the Stopayne and just put me into a bath filled with cold water and ice because the cold water will break my fever, but what the doctor did not realize was that this wasn't just any fever this was rhythmic fever. So as soon as we arrived home my parents did as the doctor said but by the time the fever broke it was too late, the fever had already affected my heart and when I got my permanent teeth we discovered ...