A while ago the Lord gave me a revelation on the holy trinity and how the marriage between a man and woman is a symbol that signifies the intimacy, commitment and sacredness of a covenant made between two people before two or more witnesses and that the marriage should be a symbol of our relationship with Jesus. In my own life the Lord has shown and teach me so much through my marriage and I can almost see on a daily basis why the Lord gave me the promise of my husband and why we were put together by the Lord and I honour God for showing me His will and guiding me into staying in His will, for just like a marriage it is not easy to always stay in the will of God for staying in the will of God means leading a sacrificial life which places God's will before your own just as in a marriage one should always be willing to lay yourself down for your husband or wife. The Lord showed me that just like on my wedding day when I gave my heart to Him, I made a covenant with Him... ...