A while ago the Lord gave me a revelation on the holy trinity and
how the marriage between a man and woman is a symbol that signifies the
intimacy, commitment and sacredness of a covenant made between two people
before two or more witnesses and that the marriage should be a symbol of our
relationship with Jesus.
In my own life the Lord has shown and
teach me so much through my marriage and I can almost see on a daily basis why
the Lord gave me the promise of my husband and why we were put together by the
Lord and I honour God for showing me His will and guiding me into staying in
His will, for just like a marriage it is not easy to always stay in the will of
God for staying in the will of God means leading a sacrificial life which
places God's will before your own just as in a marriage one should always be
willing to lay yourself down for your husband or wife.
The Lord showed me that just like on my
wedding day when I gave my heart to Him, I made a covenant with Him...
I took
Him to be my Creator, God and King and I promised to be true to Him in good
times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I also promised to love and honour
Him above all else for all the days of my life until death unifies us.
And in likeness the Lord also made a
covenant with me...
He took me to be His son, heir and co heir with Christ and
He promised to be the Way the Truth and the Life to me in good times and in
bad, in sickness and in health. He also promised to be Love and Honour to me
and to make me the centre of His being for all eternity, for nothing will ever
separate me from Him!
This unbreakable covenant was sealed by
the blood of Christ, sanctified by the living water of the Holy Spirit and
purified by the Fire of God.
The Lord is looking for a people who will not just seek Him for what He can do for them, but for who He is...because when we seek Him for who He is we will lack nothing for in Him you will find your being.
God is the God of covenant and covenant is
only made through intimacy within commitment.
When we are in marriage we can easily see
how our relationship with God is by just looking at our relationship with our
husband or wife. I know that our husband and wife will never be God, therefore
your husband or wife will never be perfect, but are you being the best you that
you can be for your husband or wife? Are you daily denying yourself taking up
your cross and following Christ to the mount of Golgotha, where your flesh (own
will) is crucified for His will which is to (husband) love your wife and to not
be bitter against her and (wife) submit to your husband as this is fit to the
If we are willing to die to self and lay
down our lives for one another as Christ did for His church, we will also be
resurrected and rebirth of new life will take place.
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