Last year (Oct 2014) I was at Kozi Bay on an outreach and in that time God spoke to me about stepping into the destiny that He has proclaimed over me and the way He did this was by changing my perspective this is what I learned from the Lord: The Lord says that His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts, so by default we should submit and surrender to the fact that His ways and thoughts are not our ways and thoughts. Now taking this in consideration we can clearly see the difference between one being prideful and one being humble when we look at Saul when he was anointed and David when he was anointed. Saul was clearly from the start prideful as he continuously looked to himself rather than to submit to Gods ways for him and thoughts over him. To be prideful is to hear Gods voice (what He speaks to and over you) and NOT submit and surrender to it, which ultimately cause you to NOT walk according to Gods will but instead you will follo...