2 August 2015 I read a newsletter of a friend where he shared the encounter he had at one of his workshops...in the newsletter he shared the following: One person saw an angel in the room and as I engaged with it I felt its power very strongly. (I feel in the spirit more clearly than I see.) I then went and sat down and asked Father what the purpose of the angel is and my eyes opened to see this angel in white light that was holding a flat writing board on his left forearm and was writing on it with his right hand. I was surprised at this and asked Father what the angel's purpose was and He spoke very gently "This is a Messenger Angel." The obvious next question was "Father, what message is he bringing us?" I was quite stunned at His reply "He is not bringing you a message; he is bring Me a message." Thoughts that God knows everything raced through my mind and I stammered "What message would you need an angel to get here?...