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When an artist decides to make a painting, he "conceives" a picture. He then takes out the canvas, brushes and paint. After getting out all he may need, the artist starts picking out the colours and brushes he wants to use...then; he begins! Now, somewhere during the process of this painting he comes to the point where he decides to use a very fine brush to put in the some detail on the painting, but for some reason that brush just does not want to work...and having to finish the painting, the artist chooses another brush which even though it is not as fine (able) as the previous brush becomes a skilful wand in the hands of the artist, not due to the capabilities of the, due to the willingness!

Mat 22:14 for many are called, but few are chosen...

I believe this scripture does not refer to God having favourites and therefore does not want to choose some, but rather because some are consistently refusing God's grace and love to shape and mold their hearts.

Do you realize just how much God loves you...? He created the universe with words, yet He took the time to mold, shape and create you...this has to make you wonder; who is this God that thought of me before the foundation of the earth and if He thought of me, that must mean that I am worth so much in His hands...?


Lately I find myself thinking why? Why am I still hoping, why am I still thinking that my life is meant for greatness even though I am currently not doing anything great by my measure...

See, I have always been a very big dreamer...seeing myself amount to greatness, achieving the impossible and reaching the unreachable because I felt extra ordinary, like my life was not meant to be lived ordinary but that it was meant to stand out, make a difference and change history for generations to come much like all the beacons of hope in the bible.

Having this in my heart, when I were to watch stories like Snow White, Cinderella and The Land Before Time I would hear the following in my heart

Snow white - When your heart is good and your intentions pure, you will always triumph over evil.

Cinderella - No matter what may happen in life and how many times you may be treated badly or not be noticed, there will come a time when people will see you for the princes that you really are and you will be honoured and redeemed.

Land before time - Believe and never give up because there is always a way and you can lead others to find it too.

See, when I was little I loved these movies because it gave me hope and it made me believe that anything is possible. Today I realize that the Holy Spirit was the one using these movies to cultivate a spirit of tenacity in me to never give up, to always have hope and to believe in the impossible because He knew that with God all things are possible and that if He could hover over me and cultivate such a spirit in me then I would one day grow up to be more than a conqueror through Him whom will strengthen me.
I always strive to live a life of significance because of this feeling inside of me, that I was meant for greatness but lately I feel like my whole life I have run after this feeling of achieving the unbelievable and reaching the unreachable but now I sometimes find myself longing to be truly happy with the "ordinary" as I continually feel restless.

See I have learned over time that there are two different ways of making a difference that will change history. The one is indirect (you make a difference in people lives and in doing so you make a difference in history as you have part in each of those people lives and the history they will leave behind) and the other is direct (you change history for generations to come by leading a life that speaks of something different something extraordinary that has yet to be discovered and you lead them into not only believing it is achievable but by showing them that it is by achieving it yourself).

Now although I know that currently God has been using me in the former, the thing that drives me is the latter. But how? How will I, who is a nobody become someone who changes History and permanently makes an imprint in this earth for generations to follow? I believe the answer lies in Him because every person throughout history that ever made a change in history for the better, did so through Him.

I trust that one day I will be a history maker and future generation changer but in the meantime I am changing history one person and opportunity at a time and I find my rest in Him, trusting and knowing that in Him is the life that will change History and shape the future for generations to come.

Now if you have red this post, then I trust that Holy Spirit has led you here and you are called to be a difference maker and future generation changer but you might wonder how, how will I be able to change history and make a difference that will impact the future of this nation forever?

Currently I am involved with a party named ACO African Covenant and the reason why I decided to become part of this party and serve as a steward, is because I believe that South Africa has been called as a nation that will forever change the history of nations as we as a nation will rise up and establish that which God not only has for us but also for every single nation in the world who is willing to step into a covenant with Him.

Israel was God's chosen people with whom He has made a covenant and throughout history they were the nation whom was recognized by all nations as the favoured by God because no matter how many times they would turn away from God, God always made a way for them to turn back to Him and when they did, He made His light to shine on them and prospered them in all their ways but when Jesus came, He made the invitation open to all that was willing to believe in Him and so if we as a nation believe that Jesus is our Savior and God is our only God and wants to establish a covenant with us by making us His resting place which will cause us to be a prosperous nation living in the true purpose and destiny for what God has called us to live, then I say lets say...Yes Lord!

ACO party is a political party that received the righteous mandate from God to establish His covenant with His people, that means that we as a party are saying that we and "our house" will serve the Lord, we will govern the nation through the precepts and ordinances of God we will establish His will in this nation through the lives that we lead and the example that we set, we will offer our lives as holy and sanctified before God, so that He may use us to free His people from bondage. This is the heart of the people in the ACO party and should you wish to be part of this change that will come to this nation then I encourage you to open your heart and your mind to the voice of the Holy Spirit as He will show you, how you can also be a History maker and future generation changer in this nation.

Like I mentioned before, you get two history makers, those who influence the future generations and in doing so they change history and those who are the future and in being who they are, they change history but both of these are powerful people for when they are led and filled by the Spirit of God, they can move mountains and part the sea so that a nation may be free to worship God and live a life of abundance.

Which one are you?

To read more about the ACO party and the COVENANT that God wants to establish with South Africa please visit our website and just maybe you become part of this History.
