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When an artist decides to make a painting, he "conceives" a picture. He then takes out the canvas, brushes and paint. After getting out all he may need, the artist starts picking out the colours and brushes he wants to use...then; he begins! Now, somewhere during the process of this painting he comes to the point where he decides to use a very fine brush to put in the some detail on the painting, but for some reason that brush just does not want to work...and having to finish the painting, the artist chooses another brush which even though it is not as fine (able) as the previous brush becomes a skilful wand in the hands of the artist, not due to the capabilities of the, due to the willingness!

Mat 22:14 for many are called, but few are chosen...

I believe this scripture does not refer to God having favourites and therefore does not want to choose some, but rather because some are consistently refusing God's grace and love to shape and mold their hearts.

Do you realize just how much God loves you...? He created the universe with words, yet He took the time to mold, shape and create you...this has to make you wonder; who is this God that thought of me before the foundation of the earth and if He thought of me, that must mean that I am worth so much in His hands...?


For some years now, God has been teaching me on mustard seed faith and what the meaning behind not only the parables are but the impact each one would have in and through our lives if we only grasped what Jesus was saying each time when he taught, reprimanded and inspired through the incidences that took placed.

Two weeks ago I was reading the following scripture and seeking the Holy Spirit to give me insight into what Jesus was saying through the parables and what the TRUE meaning behind the scripture is and this is what He shared with me: 

The potential of the mustard seed is not attained through its size (for it is tiny) but through its faith in the One who has created him and ordained him for a purpose, regardless of his current state. Likewise, we have been created in the Likeness and Image of God. Therefore, we have the same DNA (Purpose) in us as God (To Create, Sustain and Govern) and if we were to stay true to the Him and the purpose for which He has created us then we are DESTINED to become mighty life giving to shift nations, uproot oppression and give guidance and shelter to the meek [quiet, gentle, easily imposed on or submissive] and hopeless [feeling or causing despair].

A mustard seed is so small, yet it grows into the biggest tree of the herb is this possible?

Because of it's DNA, the DNA of the Tree is in the seed and so all the seed needs to continually do is die in the flesh and turn to it's inherent DNA located in it's core (underneath the inferior exterior).

Likewise, we have been created in the likeness and image of God...His DNA runs through our veins (spiritual and once recognized, received and perceived it is made manifest in us & through us). If we can continually submit ourselves to Him and surrender to His work done in and through our life, then our flesh will fall away and the true nature of our being will remain which is the character of God as well as the attributes of God.

The above is not only true for us as individuals 
but also for our nation as a whole. 

Years ago when I was praying to the Lord regarding the state that our nation was in at that time and what had led to it (the fact that South Africa was once a nation filled with riches both spiritually and physically, yet we went through a season where almost all had been lost as we were filled with division, oppression, lack etc.), the Lord shared with me that where we had been and what we have gone through was needed because everything of SELF had to die so that the TRUE NATURE and CALLING of THIS NATION could REMAIN.

Therefore, South Africa will once again prosper because we as a nation will stand in righteousness before God. From that stance, we will be blessed (owning all our minerals again, and no longer being a nation that borrows but a nation that lends) in this land that God has given to us and we will be fruitful and multiply in all our ways! South Africa will not only be a beacon of hope to the nations when it comes to faith, hope and love but also physically because our nation has been gifted by God with the ability to give and do so cheerfully.

Let us not look at our exterior state but let us look inward, all South Africans has either been born here or migrated here but ONE THING IS SURE an this is that GOD HAS PLACED YOU HERE as you have been called in His love, for His love to become His beloved and so I urge every South African to STOP and BECOME AWARE that you are here for a reason, you are here to make a difference but first you are here to be LOVED first of all by GOD and then by each other and out of that place of knowing we are loved and accepted, we breathe and move and have our being in this nation.

2018 I told my husband that I want to follow the rugby in 2019 as I believe that they will win and the reason why I felt that is because in my heart I believed that winning the rugby world cup will bring HOPE to the nation as the Lord has on numerous times used rugby in our nation, to cultivate HOPE, LOVE and PEACE through UNITING US in ONE SPIRIT for a common interest.

When we as a nation decided to pray and support the SPRINGBOKS, we not only created a platform on which they could play their best and win but we as a nation stepped into that place of victory with them for we all shared in this victory because everyone joined/aligned to the call the purpose of winning but we aligned with the Heart of God to bring about a NEW ERA of HOPE, LOVE and PEACE in this nation. 

Knowing this, can you imagine what God can do through this nation, if we were to not only seek him for sport but for our Families, our Churches, our Businesses, our Government and most important our Enemies so that they too may share in what we have...

GOD, which is our most prized possession.

I believe that many of us have seek God in this Rugby World Cup and God has revealed Himself to us through it and brought HOPE to our hearts and to the nation as a whole, now let is put this HOPE into action by attaining the assurance for which we have received it by trusting that if God can show Himself mighty and faithful in Rugby, how much more will He show Himself mighty and faithful in our families, churches, businesses and YES our GOVERNMENT!

Couple of weeks ago the Lord shared the following with me:

Denise, say for instance judgment (fire and brimstone) were to come to South Africa and there were no government party of any sorts left to lead this nation and one righteous man were to answer my call to lead this nation....does that mean this nation is righteous?


The answer: NO, yet the nation will be spared and the door will be open for the nation to also step into righteousness.


If  God  in our nations current political state (being a democratic nation), makes his called leader known and we as a nation had the choice to choose whether we want to align with God's calling and vote for the leader whom He has chosen to be placed in a position of leadership over our nation then by our very action (vote) in alignment with God, we as a nation have become righteous. Because then our faith was placed in Him and His ability to lead this nation not in a man or in a party.

Hence, a nation has been born in a day as our hearts would have turned to God and surrendered to His will and not to our own!

If we think that a righteous nation will only be attained when we obtain the right government (without our faith reflecting in our actions/vote) we are at a loss of righteousness ever being seen manifest BUT if we as individuals change our perception and start to live righteous lives (aligning our heart and actions with the heart of God), then obtaining the right government (through our actions/vote) would mean that a righteous nation HAS ALREADY been established in our country and we can then continue to build a righteous government on the foundation ALREADY set in the hearts of the people.

This nation will not just be led by a righteous leader but will be a righteous nation before God as our hearts will have aligned with the heart of God and LOVE, HOPE and PEACE will be our banner.

GO GOD! GO Bokke and GO South Africa!
