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When an artist decides to make a painting, he "conceives" a picture. He then takes out the canvas, brushes and paint. After getting out all he may need, the artist starts picking out the colours and brushes he wants to use...then; he begins! Now, somewhere during the process of this painting he comes to the point where he decides to use a very fine brush to put in the some detail on the painting, but for some reason that brush just does not want to work...and having to finish the painting, the artist chooses another brush which even though it is not as fine (able) as the previous brush becomes a skilful wand in the hands of the artist, not due to the capabilities of the, due to the willingness!

Mat 22:14 for many are called, but few are chosen...

I believe this scripture does not refer to God having favourites and therefore does not want to choose some, but rather because some are consistently refusing God's grace and love to shape and mold their hearts.

Do you realize just how much God loves you...? He created the universe with words, yet He took the time to mold, shape and create you...this has to make you wonder; who is this God that thought of me before the foundation of the earth and if He thought of me, that must mean that I am worth so much in His hands...?


We need to pray for America! 

America is busy entering into the same spiritual battle that South Africa has been facing for 2 decades, where unrighteousness prevails because of leadership selling their souls and the nation out to the work of satan….


What we are seeing in this 2020 election of America is the practice of witchcraft on national level…and unfortunately it is being done by people who have seen what God can and want to do for the nation of America (this was shown through Donald Trump) yet there are still leaders opposing the will of God (His guidance and ordinances) knowingly and rebellion against God is as the sin of witchcraft…


Earlier this year (March/April) in lockdown, I had a dream and in this dream I received a scroll which had the following written on it:

ZUL and underneath it stood TALAK

 Zul - Carries more than one detail to it. However, the Holy Spirit focused on PROPHETIC VOICE (being able to influence and bring about life or death through speech) 

Proverbs 18:21 Amplified Bible

21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
And those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.

Talak - Means to divorce

Then after I saw the writing, a man (who was not my husband) said that he is on his way and will be “here” by midnight and when he said “here”, I saw a long flag pole situated in front of the Whitehouse with the American flag hanging from it but the flag was upside down and hanging low…

When I told my husband what this man said, I was told by my husband that I am not to speak to him because my husband knew the guy was after me (wanted me for himself). However, I did not like that my husband told me what to do and so as I was turning and walking away from my husband…I said to my husband that he will not tell me that I cannot speak to this man and to prove a point I told my husband that I WILL speak to this man.


What the Lord revealed to me through this dream:


America as a nation is betrothed to God but unfortunately there are leaders of America (not Donald Trump) as well as citizens (believers incl.) that have chosen to listen to the voice of satan instead of the voice of God and this has led them to rebel against God in their hearts, which has opened up the door for witchcraft to function nationally and this will lead to the death of America as a nation if the nation does not return from their wicked ways (thoughts and actions).


There are national leaders in America (Hillary & Biden in particular) that has sold America out to satan by being a voice/prophet of satan to the nation thereby causing a Balak - Ballaam effect as both Hillary and Biden voiced manipulated truth “in favour” of the citizens and as the people of America began to believe their “truth’s” by means of utterance and actions, they started to open up the door for unrighteousness to come in. Because this is not only the citizens of America that has been infiltrated and manipulated to do the bidding of satan but also the leaders (governors & many believers) …their actions have national affects.


Therefore, it is CRITICAL THAT WE PRAY FOR AMERICA! Because if Joe Biden takes the presidential seat, it will open the door for the “dragon” to enter in and even though I know that the dragon needs to come at some point for the fulfillment of the ages (Revelation), I do not think that many have their lamps full of oil if the dragon was to come now…


Referring to the prophetic vision (this vision forewarned against future events whilst simultaneously cautioning people to pray) I had on 16 July 2014 ( the Lord showed me that the dragon wanted to enter America with the 2016 elections but because many believers interceded fervently and many started to turn from their wicked ways the dragon (accuser who’s aim is to kill, steal and destroy) was restrained by the grace of God…BUT the dragon will not be restrained forever as the end of the ages needs to come into fulfillment, so that the second coming of Christ and His reign on earth can be established. Therefore, there will come a time (and it might be now) that persecution will come to America as shown to me in the vision received but the question is are you ready America?


Truth of God’s heart for America (to prosper and be free to worship Him) has been revealed to America through the presidency of Donald Trump and still many choose not to make use of His grace by choosing death (Biden who stands for everything God does not) instead of life (Donald Trump) thereby forcing God’s hand to no longer restrain the dragon as the people themselves give grounds for the dragon to enter in as God is just and so is His judgment. 



The current witchcraft taking place, only has this much strength because of many (leadership and citizens) still choosing to see only what their hearts want to see instead of what Jesus Christ reveals to them. You might think that the “truth” you are being told by Biden and his followers will be for the benefit of the nation and yourself BUT it will not because satan (who is using them) NEVER has anyone’s best interest at heart…he only has his own interest (which is to kill, steal and destroy) at heart.


If you want to know what I am talking about just look at South Africa and what has happened to our nation because of leadership that aligned with the will of satan rather than the will of God…(Jacob Zuma & Cyril Ramaphosa).


Joe Biden and all his followers, I pray that the Holy Spirit will open up your eyes so that you may see the TRUTH and the TRUTH sets you and your nation free from the alluring witchcraft that satan is busy dishing up for you.


Lord You are a Sovereign God and therefore I know that nothings happens without You knowing about it and even though I know it is not your will that the accuser be let loose and call on judgement of your people…I also know that your word says that Your mercy triumphs Your judgement. Therefore, I pray that you will release your Holy Spirit which convicts the world (not just America) of our sin…so that we may truly repent (not only with our mouths but with our hearts and our lives) and your mercy be released.


I pray Lord that you will strengthen those who wholly trust in You and that you will hold and keep them in the palm of Your hand so that they may persevere and keep their faith in You.

To everyone reading this post, may you be encouraged to continue to pray fervently for America knowing that whatever happens, God is still Sovereign and He is still in control no matter what. Remember, Jesus also prayed fervently in the garden of Gethsemane and asked God to let this cup pass from him...BUT thereafter he prayed Lord not My will but Your's be done...

Then he stood up and presented Himself as a living sacrifice which proved to be a holy and pleasing offer to God, for the benefit of the whole world. May all be empowered by the Holy Spirit, so that you may follow in the footsteps of the One you sit at as you pray.

This speaks of true faith in the mind, heart and hand of God...knowing that whatever happens, God remains in control and always carries us in the palm of His hand. Therefore, we should always pray fervently so that whatever God permits we are rooted in Him and are able to keep the faith, persevere, endure and conquer every evil, remain in peace and be victorious in Him continually.

Luke 18 Amplified Bible

Parables on Prayer

18 Now Jesus was telling the disciples a parable to make the point that at all times they ought to pray and not give up and lose heart, 2 saying, “In a certain city there was a judge who did not fear God and had no respect for man. 3 There was a [desperate] widow in that city and she kept coming to him and saying, ‘Give me justice and legal protection from my adversary.’ 4 For a time he would not; but later he said to himself, ‘Even though I do not fear God nor respect man, 5 yet because this widow continues to bother me, I will give her justice and legal protection; otherwise [a]by continually coming she [will be an intolerable annoyance and she] will wear me out.’” 6 Then the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says! 7 And will not [our just] God defend and avenge His elect [His chosen ones] who cry out to Him day and night? Will He delay [in providing justice] on their behalf? 8 I tell you that He will defend and avenge them quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find [this kind of persistent] faith on the earth?”
