This last week my spirit is deeply moved for our nation and the nations as I am aware that we are headed for a time of trials and many of us will be caught off guard…as many of us are still bound because of wrong perceptions which the enemy has enforced on us in an attempt to keep us from stepping out or continuing to stand in our higher calling. Many TRUTH leaders are being called in this hour to STEP OUT, PROCLAIM and LIVE the LIFE and TEACHINGS of JESUS CHRIST, that sets free and brings forth life and life abounding not just on a personal level but on a national level. For years I have been sitting with an understanding that you do not oppose your leaders, but you pray for your leaders so that it may go well with your nation, church etc. However, I was given a new revelation in 2020 as I was seeking the Lord regarding the difference between earthly government and the kingdom of God. The Lord showed me how the devil uses scripture and people’s limited interpretation thereof to bi...