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When an artist decides to make a painting, he "conceives" a picture. He then takes out the canvas, brushes and paint. After getting out all he may need, the artist starts picking out the colours and brushes he wants to use...then; he begins! Now, somewhere during the process of this painting he comes to the point where he decides to use a very fine brush to put in the some detail on the painting, but for some reason that brush just does not want to work...and having to finish the painting, the artist chooses another brush which even though it is not as fine (able) as the previous brush becomes a skilful wand in the hands of the artist, not due to the capabilities of the, due to the willingness!

Mat 22:14 for many are called, but few are chosen...

I believe this scripture does not refer to God having favourites and therefore does not want to choose some, but rather because some are consistently refusing God's grace and love to shape and mold their hearts.

Do you realize just how much God loves you...? He created the universe with words, yet He took the time to mold, shape and create you...this has to make you wonder; who is this God that thought of me before the foundation of the earth and if He thought of me, that must mean that I am worth so much in His hands...?

Choice Revealed Through Character Yield

In 2023, during an ACO executive committee meeting, the Lord spoke a profound word to me:

"I have anointed My chosen servant for this nation, and the nation will not choose this servant prior to My revelation. Through a series of events, I will reveal and usher in My appointed leader."

I found myself deeply reflecting on this word, wondering, "What does this truly mean?" To fully grasp its depth, I turned to the story of Saul and David. This narrative offered a clear and undeniable revelation of how God chooses His leaders; often contrary to human expectation; and how character plays a crucial role in fulfilling His will.

The Demand for a King and the Consequences of Human Choice

Israel, in a time of distress and fear, failed to trust their true King, God Himself. Instead of waiting upon His perfect plan, they demanded a king, desiring to be like other nations. They failed to recognize that their sovereignty was already secured under the governance of the Almighty. In response, God granted their request and instructed the prophet Samuel to anoint Saul as their first king (1 Samuel 8:4-7, 1 Samuel 10:1).

Saul's reign began with promise. He was strong, charismatic, and appeared to be a suitable leader in the eyes of the people. However, as time went on, his character was tested. He disobeyed God's commands (1 Samuel 15:10-11), sought his own glory instead of God's (1 Samuel 15:12), and ultimately, his pride led to his downfall (1 Samuel 15:22-23). Saul's leadership reflected the choice of the people—a choice based on outward appearance rather than inner character and devotion to God.

God's Choice: Revealing the True Leader

While Saul continued to reign, God had already set apart a new leader—His chosen servant, David. Unlike Saul, David was not the obvious choice by human standards. He was young, a shepherd, and overlooked even by his own family (1 Samuel 16:11-13). Yet, "God does not see as man sees—He looks at the heart" (1 Samuel 16:7).

Even though David was anointed, he was not immediately placed on the throne. Instead, he went through a process—a series of events that shaped him into the leader God had destined him to be. He faced adversity, persecution from Saul, and numerous trials. Yet, through it all, he remained steadfast, trusting God's timing and relying on His anointing, Spirit, and grace (Psalm 27:14).

This spoke deeply to me: Being anointed and appointed does not mean immediate elevation. There is a refining process, a proving ground where character is tested and faithfulness is required. David’s heart posture before God revealed his worthiness of the throne long before he ever sat upon it.

The Significance of Trusting in God’s Timing

It is significant to note that, up until Eli, God had always chosen His prophets to lead His nation according to His heart and to guide them into what He had destined for them. Faith has always remained the catalyst, and without trusting in His ability to guide and protect them, His people would go astray and be in danger of harming themselves, like sheep without a shepherd.

When Eli's successors (his sons) were wicked and the nation grew concerned, God had already put things in motion to bring forward His next prophet and Eli’s successor, Samuel. Instead of this serving as a reminder to Israel that God was and remains sovereign, taking note of everything and everyone and never leaving nor forsaking them (Deuteronomy 31:6), they failed to trust Him. Rather than believing that whenever a leader goes astray from Him and starts leading them into unrighteousness, they should pray and trust that God will remove and reappoint, they took matters into their own hands. Instead of waiting on God’s timing, they demanded new leadership when Samuel’s sons were unrighteous but not yet described as wicked.

This is where God handed them over to their own fear and unbelief, leading to a situation where they would ultimately be ruled by a narcissist who did not care for God’s people. The key difference between Eli and Samuel’s situations was that Eli’s sons were already wicked, meaning their sin had come to fullness, confirming that it was indeed the right time for God to bring about new leadership. However, when Samuel’s sons became unrighteous, the people of Israel, acting in fear and unbelief, demanded a new leader ahead of God’s timing. This set the ball in motion for God to teach them a crucial lesson (because He loves them): when we think we know best, we only end up hurting and limiting ourselves.

The Unfolding of Events Since the 2024 Elections

Since the 2024 elections, a series of events has begun to unfold in our nation, setting the stage for God's appointed leader to be revealed. The political and social landscape has been marked by unrest, division, and uncertainty. Many have sought to take matters into their own hands, attempting to force change through human effort rather than trusting in God's divine timing. Leaders once seen as strong have begun to falter, and the weaknesses of man-made systems are becoming increasingly evident.

Economic pressures, societal upheaval, and shifts in governance are all part of the refining process. These events serve as reminders that human wisdom is limited and that ultimate authority lies with God. Just as Israel experienced turbulence before the rise of David, our nation is going through a period of testing. This period will reach its pinnacle by 2026, revealing the full measure of what has been set in motion. It is then that the nation will stand at a crossroads...either continuing in self-reliance or surrendering to God’s sovereign plan.

However, the culmination of these events will not immediately bring about the revelation of God's chosen leader. Instead, the process will continue until the appointed time, when God's servant will be fully prepared to step into his role. His emergence will not be the result of human decision-making but of divine orchestration. Just as David was shaped through trials before ascending the throne, the one whom God has chosen will be refined through adversity and positioned for leadership in due time.

God Will Usher in His Chosen Servant

Just as Israel experienced a series of events that led to David's rise, I believe this nation will witness God's divine orchestration. As the Lord spoke to me in 2023:

"This nation will not choose My chosen servant, but he will be ushered in by Me through a series of events."

God, in His sovereignty, will make known His choice at the appointed time, and no human intervention will override His divine will (Daniel 2:21).

Encouragement to the Nations

For those who seek righteousness, for those who long for godly leadership, take heart—God is in control. Though I may not always understand His ways, I trust that His plans are perfect (Isaiah 55:8-9). He is not distant nor has He abandoned His people. Instead, He is moving behind the scenes, preparing, refining, and revealing.

I urge you, my fellow believers: Do not let fear drive you to take matters into your own hands. Instead, be still before the Lord and trust in His divine process (Psalm 46:10). He who began a good work will bring it to completion (Philippians 1:6). If we remain steadfast, seeking His heart and yielding our character to His refining process, we will witness the fulfillment of His promise in His perfect time.

May we, as nations, humble ourselves before God, seeking His wisdom and guidance, knowing that He alone raises up and brings down leaders according to His purpose (Psalm 75:6-7). Let us pray, trust, and prepare our hearts to receive His chosen servant when the time comes.

The Lord is faithful, and His word will not return void (Isaiah 55:11).

Watch, wait, and trust—God is ushering in His anointed.
