Have you ever thought you heard God saying something to you which you did not understand or did not see come to pass? I would just like to make it clear that what I am sharing on my blog is how I experienced the Lord and what He has done for me, to me and in me so that He can work through me...but also know that not one single persons journey with God is exactly the same or entirely complete therefore it is always your responsibility to not blindly follow what people say or share for the walk of faith is not for blinding but unveiling the eyes of our hearts. 1Th 5:20 Despise not prophesyings 1Th 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. This was written to the Thessalonians by the apostle Paul, saying that we should not despise prophesying (spoken word of God), but instead we should prove it and hold fast on that which is good. Why would Paul say do not despise prophesying if he knew that all prophesi...