Today I do not have a lot of words except for a call to repentance for the nation of 2014 I had a very vivid vision (View Vision) in which I saw the pending judgement of God, yet his hand of grace that was holding back the dragon which was and continues to be so eager to devour the nations and at that stage I could sense that God was holding the dragon back because He was being gracious and giving America time, time to see what He holds in His heart for them and that is to prosper them as a nation in all areas not just financially but primarily spiritually and also mentally and emotionally as He wants the nation of America to step into his calling of being the "older" brother to South Africa but will not be able to do so if the nation continues to be unstable in the way they think and perceive. God wants the nation of America to align with His heart by being humble enough to heed the call instead of trying to step into a position to which you have not been called.
Also, God is keeping the dragon away by His hand of grace as even though He has to judge the nation because all nations will be judged, He wants to be merciful and therefore He has place on my heart to remind every citizen of America that your foundation is built on a covenant made with God and when a covenant is made, it is sealed in blood and it is only blood that can break the curse that comes to the one that do not uphold their part of the covenant made. Hence, unless the nation of America repents and seek God for mercy, blood will be shed as the covenant will require such but God is a merciful God and is ready to forgive and be merciful to all that seek His heart.
As I have also mentioned in one of my previous posts (View Post), one of the first nations that will sit in the judgement seat will be the nation of Japan and if Japan does not repent and turn back to God, the repercussions of Japan will effect the nation of America and this will be economically for the currency of America is basically held up by Japan...and what happens to America will have a ripple effect on the rest of the world due to the calling of "older brother" on the nation of America.
I pray that every person reading this post will pray, pray fervently for the salvation of nations pray fervently that the nations will turn back to God and in this particular case, pray fervently that the nation of America will repent and turn back to God as we are on the brink of a massive shift in the nations on a global scale...the enemy has been putting puppets into governance so that he can execute His plan to steel, kill and destroy and unless we STAND UP and pray for our leaders and our nations, we are headed for trying times...
James 5:16 Amplified Bible
16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another [your false steps, your offenses], and pray for one another, that you may be healed and restored. The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power].
Now I do know that God makes all things work together for good, for those who loves Him and seek Him wholeheartedly but I also know that if you love God then you know that nations are on His heart. Therefore, nations should also be on ours!
America, I bless you to be a nation that seeks God fervently. I bless you to be a nation that steps into your rightful position and to not think more of yourself than you ought to as every nation plays a part in the collective body of nations before God and I bless you to be a people that walk in righteousness before God.
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