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When an artist decides to make a painting, he "conceives" a picture. He then takes out the canvas, brushes and paint. After getting out all he may need, the artist starts picking out the colours and brushes he wants to use...then; he begins! Now, somewhere during the process of this painting he comes to the point where he decides to use a very fine brush to put in the some detail on the painting, but for some reason that brush just does not want to work...and having to finish the painting, the artist chooses another brush which even though it is not as fine (able) as the previous brush becomes a skilful wand in the hands of the artist, not due to the capabilities of the, due to the willingness!

Mat 22:14 for many are called, but few are chosen...

I believe this scripture does not refer to God having favourites and therefore does not want to choose some, but rather because some are consistently refusing God's grace and love to shape and mold their hearts.

Do you realize just how much God loves you...? He created the universe with words, yet He took the time to mold, shape and create you...this has to make you wonder; who is this God that thought of me before the foundation of the earth and if He thought of me, that must mean that I am worth so much in His hands...?


True humility... causes us to stand bold and in awe of the glory seen on ourselves, for we know that the glory upon us is only a reflection of THE ONE who’s feet we are washing with our tears of existence, cleaning with our crown of authority and kissing with our honour for Him!!! My king  You are beautiful, magnificent and truly, I stand in awe and wonder of your beauty!!! Oh how bold, courageous, fearless and full of potential I am for I AM in YOU!!! Concealed and sealed in You for such a time as NOW!!! I am in you; therefore I can because Yo u DO!!! I am assured of this because I have an ever growing HOPE pulling me when I grow weary, dragging me when I am fainting and lifting me when I am falling relentlessly i n LOVE WITH YOU MORE AND MORE!!! Daddy!!! I love you, I zealously seek your innermost being. I ache with desire for all that You are and all that you have for I know that You have called me to seek, inherit and steward Y our ki...


Since 2011, my husband and I have been walking a more radical road of obedience with the Lord, which involved him first leaving his job then me leaving mine. Both of us were called to leave our corporate jobs in obedience not knowing what was to follow and as you can imagine these decisions had a lot of impact on our circumstances...God came and stripped us from everything that we thought sustained us and even though we said that God sustains us, in this process we came to the realization that He truly is the only one that can sustain us, nothing else can. There was lots of wrestling with God in this season and stretching of our faith and going into a deeper level of trust, being thankful for whatever you have even if it was just a meal for the day. We saw that when God says He will never leave us nor forsake us...He means it!!! Now, the reason I believe God called us to walk this path was because both me and my husband said to the Lord that we want Him to use us like He did His ap...


2 August 2015 I read a newsletter of a friend where he shared the encounter he had at one of his the newsletter he shared the following:   One person saw an angel in the room and as I engaged with it I felt its power very strongly. (I feel in the spirit more clearly than I see.) I then went and sat down and asked Father what the purpose of the angel is and my eyes opened to see this angel in white light that was holding a flat writing board on his left forearm and was writing on it with his right hand. I was surprised at this and asked Father what the angel's purpose was and He spoke very gently "This is a Messenger Angel." The obvious next question was "Father, what message is he bringing us?" I was quite stunned at His reply "He is not bringing you a message; he is bring Me a message." Thoughts that God knows everything raced through my mind and I stammered "What message would you need an angel to get here?...


When Jesus called Simon and Andrew for the first time they were at a place in their life where all seemed to be lost, because according to the Hebrew culture when you were not good enough to become a Rabbi by being chosen by one, you were to follow in your dad's trade which in Simon and Andrews case was fishing therefore when Jesus approached Simon and Andrew he met them at their lowest but what was to happen next would change their lives forever! Jesus (The best Rabbi EVER!) told Simon and Andrew that they should follow Him as He would make them BECOME fishers of isn't this odd?? Because before Jesus appeared on the scene they were busy DOING what their father did and that was catching fish, therefore they were fisherman, but as soon as Jesus appeared He said to them: "follow me and I will make you BECOME fishers of men", therefore changing their perspective from doing something to becoming something! See by measuring yourself by what you do, you ...