This is a word that comes as an... instruction from God to His disciples to pray and keep watch in this season of trial and tribulation that we are going to go through before... we will share in the great outpouring of His glory in and through this nation to Africa and the nations of the world . Let not this coming season find you unprepared lest you try to defend/preach the gospel from a place of fear and violence instead of faith and love...and may you be empowered by His Holy Spirit to stand in the midst of persecution without compromising and denying the life and teachings (Character and values) observed from Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, so that the Spirit of Prophecy may be released in and through your life to give birth to a better narrative in South Africa that establishes righteousness, peace and love. Let us pray in this hour, not so that this cup passes before us but so that we might embrace this cup from a place of victory, giving thanks to God by displaying His love ...